REACH Ecosystem Planning Calculator
REACH Ecosystem Professional Development Calculator
People & Culture Business Case Calculator | Including Opportunity Cost of Not using the REACH Ecosystem
Product Expenditure Cost per use Description Annual Quantity Current Annual Cost
Behavioural Profiles - Development $ per use $
Behavioural Profiles - Recruitment $ per use $
360 Degree Surveys $ per use $
Culture Surveys $ per use $
Corporate Training Materials Licences / Instructional Design from scratch $ Licence Fees or Instructional Design Costs $
Time Expenditure Cost per hour Description Hours Spent Current Annual Cost
Time Spent on Training Needs Analysis: Time spent deciphering reports, grouping needs and matching to training & coaching solutions. $ Per hour $
Time Saved with Simplified Budgeting & Planning: Time saving and opportunity of being able to have a fixed cost ecosystem that meets needs for recruitment, sales, collaboration, mindset, leadership, culture, and 360's. $ Hours spent researching, evaluating suppliers, budgeting, paying invoices, maintaining supplier relationships $
Opportunity Cost Cost per Initiative Description Annual Quantity Current Annual Cost
Opportunity Cost of non-optimised Training delivery: Cost training delivered by internal or external trainers without benefiting from the Trainers Companion. $ Training Delivery Costs $
Opportunity Cost of stalled Coaching: Time and money spent on coaching relationships that lost momentum without the unique Coaches Companion $ Investment in Coaching $
Opportunity cost of Initiatives not Embedded: Money spent on profiling, coaching, culture, 360's and Training without resources to keep it alive. $ Investment in Initiatives that didn't stick $
Opportunity cost of forgoing Simplicity: Cost of complexity and inconsistency of models and frameworks that ended up undermining retention, application and momentum. $ Investment in solutions that were to complex to stay alive $
Opportunity Potential of Demonstrating Impact
Opportunity of OD/L&D Reporting that makes it easy to Demonstrate Impact: What would it be worth to you to able to simply and quickly measure growth (visual and numerical) from investment in personal development, leadership development and cultural development $
Total Current Expenditure and Opportunity Cost $
Per annual

$0 Per month
Per month

$0 Savings and Benefits per year

$0 Savings and Benefits per month